Category: Podcast Supplements

Lessons Learned from Lockdown

Since March 2020, people all over the world have endured an unprecedented period of isolation and physical distancing – certainly unprecedented within this generation. But like every challenging situation, we emerge with lessons learned. What is it that we can take from the Covid 19 pandemic?  In our second episode of “The Fight Coach, the […]

How to deal with Bullying, as a parent

Life as a parent is filled with many challenges, but helping a child to deal with bullying is a heart-breaking ordeal; a task that can be complex, drawn out and negatively impactful in the long term. A very natural primal urge to physically intervene battles against a culturally- learned civil restraint – hostility versus diplomacy. As bad and all as visible physical bullying is, subtle unseen attacks that can, for a long time, go unnoticed are just as sinister and present another layer of difficulties for parents to deal with.